The life of a Middle Aged American Man. Life as I know it !

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Sunday Well Spent..

Last Sunday we had a real good outdoor party. We had 9 couples from our Capital Couples Club get together for a small party. A great time was had by all and we welcome Maryna Aunt Liza to our family. She arrived last Friday with new green card in hand and she was welcome with open arms.
I am trying to get some of these ladies to smile. They need to have a better time and be happier. When you look at them they look very happy, taking a photo they seem to just look , well blah, I will have to change this . Maybe when I get my Castle up and working that will change, I am planning a grand party for all of my pals when it is open. Get your passports ready, we is goin to have a party.I will call it a Redneck BBQ and all of my pals are invited. If you have any Tattoos show them. Light them if you got them ! Ya'll come back now , Yea hear...


  • At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    haha you're funny. whenever i take pictures of pakistanis they never smile. they can be having a grand ol time and as soon as you whip out the camera they have these stoic looks on their face. weird.

    looks like you guys had a great time!


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