The life of a Middle Aged American Man. Life as I know it !

Saturday, September 23, 2006

New York, New York !!

When Maryna moved to the states there were three places she wanted to see. The ocean was one. Any ocean would do. Uzhgorod Ukraine is land locked so her and the children had never seen anything larger than a river. The fact that they flew over the Atlantic did not matter. It was dark, they were at 38,000 ft. So much for seeing the sights when all you can see are blinking lights on the wings.
Another thing or place she wanted to see was New York City. A couple of weeks ago our pals Larry and Iryina were going to the big city and ask Maryna if she wanted to go with them. Now this was something that took a lot of thought on her part.Hell Yes !!!! That said, it was a done deal and they were off for the weekend.
Daddy was baby setting three kids and mommy was in the City of New York. Here are some of the photos .. As the Indian waiter said to them as they were leaving the resturant. Ya'll come back now, Yea hear  Posted by Picasa


  • At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wonderful! What did she think of NYC?

  • At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey nice pics... i want to se the same things... i almost saw the ocean when i was in Vegas and NY is my all time obsession.. it looks nice! Damn... thank god i got my passport back with my US visa. Will post abt my adventures in Budapest. It involves forgetting my bag with all my documents in a bus 5 mins after stepping on Hungarian land and then finding it at the Ro Embassy later that day with no money and no camera though... Anyway Budapest was cool! will be posting pics as well.

  • At 5:08 PM, Blogger The Ranger said…

    Oh she liked it. She said that it was fine as long as you were looking up at the sights.The streets were durty and had some people passed out on them. She did take more photos of every street bum she saw.
    Damn life in the big city. Aint it great

  • At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Looks like she had a great time....but how did Daddy cope with three kids for the weekend?


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