The life of a Middle Aged American Man. Life as I know it !

Friday, July 21, 2006

North Korea..

These are without a doubt the craziest people that God has created and allowed to breed. Big North Koreans breed and grow crazier little North Koreans.
I think I might be one of the few Americans that are still in a state of shock that the missle pad in Nodong, yes that is the name No Dong, is not blown to hell. North Korea has a habbit of spitting in our faces. The bitch slap us every chance they get and No Dong is what our people show toward them. Oh !! I know.. It is the President and his people that do it to us, not the real people, so we have to show restraint. Well that is a lot of peace lovers shit. I am a peace loving man. I have always been, even when being shot at, I would say man o man, when will this shit end. Well if you don't shoot back it will never end. I have proof of this , I really do. Dont get me started, I will make myself crazy and hurt a lot of feelings.
Another thing that I have been told is, well don't worry it is just Kim acting crazy to get more aid. Well I do worry and Kim is crazy. It is not a act, he is a 100% crazy man. His daddy was even crazier, he was just kept busy kidnapping women to play with and watching porn. They have agents that are all over the world and they are real deal agents. I think that they even have a terrorist school and teach crazy to people. You can't take any of them alive because they have and use the poison pills that all agents have and few use. Not these guys. When cought they eat them like candy and no info is gathered from dead agents.
I lived in Korea for some years. The South Koreans are very nice people, oh they have their moments, however they are a pretty nice group of people. North Korea wants them along with all of China real dead real bad. They may despise China a little more than they do the USA. That is a tough call. Japan is a close third.
Now back the the real bad guys. They make no attempt to hide the fact that they are starting to test fire missles. These are not small missles. They are ICBMs. They have made made comments that they will point and fire them at America. They have no problem with doing just that. Well don't worry the last one only flew for 55 seconds. Well shit people they program them to fly for as long as they want them to fly. That is how you get the flight paths correct. These missles are the size of a battle tank. When they reach the set speed and I think that is about 18,000, thats right Eighteen Thousand miles per hour. How do you stop it ? You don't !! Big brother will not tell you that. Star Wars program ? Nope, not ready yet and will not be for another 10 years. Take my word for this. I know of what I speak. A intercept missle ? ICBMs laugh at them. Our great gov contractors are not even close yet. We pay these sorry assed people to make a missle to protect us and they can't. Oh, pay me this month . I will fuck you out of your money and here take this little missle that cost 2.5 million dollars and please don't use it because it is not working right and may blow you ass up when you fire it. We have fired 25 or 30 of these things and not a direct hit yet. Cash $$$$$$ more cash and nada, zip , zero.. Kim knows this and beleive me he and his people can and will push that button when the time is right.
Have you younger people ever heard of the USS Pueblo ? A little ship that the US Navy sent sailing off the North Korean coast in 1968. It was a high-tech Navy Intel ship that was fired on , boarded and taken to Pyongyang. One killed and 83 or so taken, tortured and kept in a prison for a year. What did our President do ? Guess !! Nada , our poor boys and nothing was done. 83 people in a North Korean prison eating shit and we did nothing . No Dong again. It gets worse. In 1969 the crazies shot down a US-121 aircraft,31 people dead. Did you read about it ? Do I have to say it? At the time people said well we can't piss of Russia that could lead to a real war. Well guess what. North Korea don't like Russia either. The only reason they don't fuck with Russia, is because Russia is closer and can and will fuck back. Lil Kim knows this and keeps his distance. Same with China, they will kick his ass and he knows it. Let's fuck with the USA, more food and money until we get these ICBMs going and then we will see how bad they really are. Remember the 50s. We made the American POWs eat dirt and killed them just for fun. Man o man happy days are comming again and they will do nothing about it..
Japan is not too pleased. The Korth Koreans have a hard on for them as well and the missles have to cross Japan to get to us. That makes you sleep well at night. I have always wondered why the Japanese drink so much and have bad attitudes at times. I don't blame them, I am getting one too.
I have lot's more to tell you that will have to wait. I will leave you with the famous words of my pal Long Dong Jong. Ya'll come back now , yea hear


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