The life of a Middle Aged American Man. Life as I know it !

Monday, December 25, 2006

Good Food !!!

Thanks to little brother Carl. Ham, potato salad, peas and corn, mashed potato's,gravy and fried southern cornbread. it was great and we get to have some for supper too.. Posted by Picasa

Merry Christmas !!

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Oh Yea, Santa came today. Babygirl, her daddy, momma, big brother and Uncle Carl had a grand time. It was gift day and all had a grand time. Maryna did not sleep she was on ebay all night stocking up for her trip to Uzhgorod next month to see her family. She will take Babygirl and be gone for around 2 months. I will be here with Gino and Kona. Talk to ya'll later I have to help Carl cook late lunch.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I Am Sorry...

I just have a lot of other things to do . I will play catch up later on. Rush, rush,rush. Man o man life is fast. I have torn my right knee up pretty bad and yes, I will have to have one of those minor operations as early as next week after the holidays. I will leave you with the same words the Ortho Dr said to me yesterday as I was limping out of his office Y'all come back now, Yea hear

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Actually !!

This is a word that our Babygirl has learned and uses every chance that she gets. I like it when one of my gang learns a new word. Babygirl is gloating because she learned the word first. She first pulled it on Gino, then her mom. She tried to get it by me, yea good luck. I ask her where she learned the word and she had no idea she however uses it very well.

I am tired. we had our yearly inventory last weekend and it was cold and took way too much time. It sucked and will always suck.

Glen Beck. This blond hair fat faced candy ass prick is next on my bitch slap list. Why is it that the Fox News guys are such candy ass cowards ? These Non Military Serving Warhawks need to be beat. It seems to me that if they really wanted to do something they would put on a uniform and serve. At least they could say, I tried. They will be put in harms way, they may get wounded or worse. They can at least say I Stood Tall, I Looked Sharp and I Was Proud. Damned what others think, I Tried....

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Denmark Speed Control

Man o man , can you believe this ?