The life of a Middle Aged American Man. Life as I know it !

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Just when you think ..

You have got it beat. The whole damn thing goes from Ice Cream to Dawg Shit. I worked on it for a hour, plugs here and there. Just when I thought I had it working , wham bam thank you and kiss my ass the VCR beat me to a pulp. This is the second day in a row that I have taken a ass whipping. Yesterday it was a Wireless Router and today a VCR. Now Maryna says honey my internet is not working, Baby Girl looks and points to the VCR and no video. Damn it sucks to be me at times..
I am hungry and need to eat before I go crazy. Baby Girl wants pisqitty and meat balls, Momma wants a salad, Geno is wanting anything that is filling and I want the VCR to work........Damn what a life..

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Cuba !!!

When you are over 42 and are a American you have several thoughts when you hear that Countries name.. Bay of Pigs, JFK, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and Embargo !!
I was a young man when I first heard of Cuba. The word would stick in my mind for all of my young and adult life. My parents and friends would have little to say about it, well most of the time. I read and heard about the bad things that were going on in the country. I was told by my grandfather who I had always thought knew everything, that it was a country that the US let get out of control. Only 90 miles from the United States and they let a guy named Nikita Khrushchev come in and set up bad things that could mess up a lot of people and set the world toward a War..To me the only world I knew was the US , Mexico and Europe. It took many years for me to understand that there was more to it than that.
As a rule I live and let live, this however got my attention and made me want to know more. So I said I would visit the country and find out for myself just what could make a Country so close yet so far away bring out such emotions in me. Little did I know then that it would take 30 years , 2 wifes and a couple of lies to get me there.. More later , much more..

Here I Am..........

Well for a man that has been reading other people's blogs and have been ask many times where mine is.Well here goes. Limey and my other pals have inspired me to start one of my own.I say pals, I have no idea if I am thought of by them as a pal or not. I would hope so. I started reading or I should say lurking a couple of years ago. The fact that someone would post things about their lives was new to me and I was, as we shall say nosey and wanted to know more.
Now it is my turn. As I read other blogs I show respect for the person writing and the person who's blog I happen to be reading. Some I like and agree with others I don't. Out of respect for the owners ,I keep my mouth shut and my thoughts to myself. Now watch out !! This is mine. On here your asses are fair game. Your comments are welcome and very much needed. I will tell you now my spelling sucks , I tend to spell with my southern accent and as some of you say , we southern people sure talk funny. USA Southern I should add. I will write more on this subject later, for now I am out if here.. More stuff to come....