The life of a Middle Aged American Man. Life as I know it !

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Five Year, Multi Entry !!!

Visa, this is what we received in the mail today. This is a very good thing. This means that we can have her here for 6 months at a time. All is good in my world now. This also means that I can bring them home 2 weeks early. This is great. I just thought ya'll may want to hear the good news.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Valery Meladze and Ani Lorak : Verny mne moyu lyubov

This is a great Video and song !!!

Can Ya'll Say Visa ?

Great news from Ukraina. I was in bed this morning around 05.30 thinking about getting up and the phone rang. It was Maryna calling to let me know that her mom passed her Visa interview and everyone was very happy. I am elated for many reasons. Her mom will be here with us where she can be looked after and taken care of and also I can bring Maryna and Babygirl home 4 weeks earlier than planned. This makes me very happy because I have missed them and our house is empty without them here. Having been apart for only 12 days in the past 18 months I had no idea that the trip would cause the emptiness that I feel without them here. So I am a happy man again. Maryna is on cloud nine. Babygirl is happy that her Babushka is coming home with her and Babushka is happy to be with her family again. Gino , I guess he is happy, he did smile when I told him then went back to sleep.
I will tell ya'll the same thing I told Maryna at 5.30 this morning. Ya'll come back now, Yea hear !!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Two Down Six To Go.......

Maryna and Babygirl have been in Uzhgorod now for two weeks. Maryna has taken her Mom to the hospital. All kinds of problems that have to be taken care of. Her brother Viktor has some medical problems that she will help with. She has seen family and friends and the big day for the Visa interview is the 20th. She bought tickets today for Kyev so that is taken care of.
I sure miss them and they can't return soon enough. I thought I had spent my last time alone, this however had to be done, plus if you remember I was the one that went last March and did not like to go alone then. I am just rambling now, I miss my family and 6 weeks is not all that long, well it is I am just trying to fool myself into thinking it's not,
Ya'll have a good month and oh!! Ya'll come back now, Yea hear. Posted by Picasa