The life of a Middle Aged American Man. Life as I know it !

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Strange , However True......

You never know what you will find on line. This proves that Super Woman Yulya is in fact a real woman. Tim will be heart broken, I am shattered and will take months to recover. Next thing we will find out is that she passes gas and stands in line at stores . Now this is a add for the elections later on this month. This is also a very rich woman who must need some spare change to add to her millions that she has made on natural gas. The poster says "ask for Kotex in your store in your city". The things people will do to get their name out is amazing. I need to do this, maybe I could make some extra money and get my name out to the public. Got to love it.
IWD was yesterday. I was very surprised that our lady pals did not know about it. The "I" stands for International and I thought that was all ladies in all countries. Now dumb assed me should have known better. I am now told that IWD is a European thing and the barbaric Americans have no idea what it is or stands for. There are some women in some countries that don't like it one bit. It is a Russian holiday that means spend, spend and spend more. The price of flowers rise over 200%. Perfume also goes up and even the price of sour cream goes from 3 hrivnya to 10 hrivnya. That is 75 cents to $ 2 .00USD. Not bad for one special day. Think of all the sour cream sold for meals and pancakes and that will put some change in your pocket. Ask our pal Limey he will tell you this is true. Add one day of 125% profit to normal profit and you can smile all the way to the bank. I would pray for special holidays just for this reason alone. WTF you got to love it. Friggin nasty assed sour cream and the profit it alone brings in is awesome. Add that with the flavor mayonnaise they have on the market in Ukraina and you are a very rich person on this one holiday and this holiday goes for couple of days. All people do is eat and buy sour cream for all their meals. Soup , hey Igor pass the sour cream please. Meat, hey Natasha you went all out on this today, more sour cream please. Pancakes , honey please pass the gallon of sour cream please and don't forget the jam, slurp, slurp, slurp, yummy, yum , yum. Eat it while it's hot. Once again ,you got to love it..Strange , however true!!


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