The life of a Middle Aged American Man. Life as I know it !

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Real Blogs ?

Hello and Happy Thursday,
I am confused. I have been reading blogs for a while. I started one a year or so ago and never went past the first post. In the past few months I have noticed that many blogs are cut & paste. WTF is up with that ? It seems to me that if a person is going to write things that other people may read they would use their own words. I am not talking about a post that you want someone to see for good information or humor, I am talking about your true words and thoughts. I don't mind a good cut and paste, however if that is all that you do, how can you call yourself a true blogger ? Am I the one that is wrong ? Do I need to cut and paste to have someone read what I think and have to say ? Hell people if you don't have anything that is your own to say remain quiet. I for one will be grateful. This is from a person that at times has a lot to say . If anyone wants to read it or not is up for debate for sure. Maybe the Redneck in me is coming out again, I get this way at times.I think I will change my name to Redneck Rick. Sound good ?

Monday, December 26, 2005

Valeriy Meladze, sto shagov nazad

Hey guys, this is some more Russian music. Hope you enjoy!

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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Songs Of The Season..

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way, Oh what fun it is to ride with the horses in the hay..Here is the best one, I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New York. Baby Girls songs and she sings them over and over. I am not about to complain, she says I Love You Daddy and I understand every word of it. She got a Christmas card from her Babuska in Ukraine today so she is very happy.
It has been many years for me. I have not had children at home for Christmas in a long long time. This year is special for me in many ways. The children and Maryna are going to have good one, that I promise you that my friends. It will be our first together as a family and I for one am very happy. I have probably over spent and bought too much, I don't care this year is special.
Merry Christmas my friends. May you have good health and happy lives in 2006. God Bless You....

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Water Buffalo ?

In a blog earlier I said I had been shot, stabbed and pissed on by a Water Buffalo. Pea ask why the Buffalo peed on me, a very good question. I will give the reason why.
When I was young the US had a thing called the draft. I was a young man of age and as luck would have it I got the letter on a Saturday morning. After my training I was sent to a country in Southeast Asia. This country was having war games and I was invited.
I was a young man and all young men were in a green uniform and carried weapons. We were on a patrol looking for bad guys, why I have no idea, there were plenty of them around and we knew where they were, as for looking for them, well who knows. To make a long story short, they found us and a fire fight broke out. Now when that happens you return fire and look for cover . Any cover will do, trees , bushes, dirt . In my case it was a low area in water. The area was being farmed for rice. Farmers use Water Buffalo for plowing and heavy work. These are very nice buffalo, Not the nasty assed Cape Buffalo that lions chase around and eat. These are sweet big lipped gentle animals who work,eat and just stand around being cool. When shot at they become very scared as anything does and will try to find cover anywhere they can.
. I had much in common with this buffalo on that day. We were both being shot at and were looking for cover. I did not notice the buffalo when I dove head first in the mud. The last time I saw the beast it was behind me so I thought nothing of it. Mistake number one. When I landed I was on my left side back to the buffalo. I start returning fire and hear a thump. Thumps are not good to hear.They mean trouble, big trouble when followed by hearing "In coming" . Mortars.. They are not fun to be around. They can be used for many things. In the case of the bad guys it was being used for indirect grenade fire toward the advancing force, Us or me as I saw it. I roll to my right and wound up under the buffalo. As I make my second roll I hit a hard object and look up just as my pal has to relieve his bladder. Oh my I am wet and getting wetter by the second. I know it is funny, I had to laugh and I still do when I think about it. There I was in a rice patty,smoke and weapons fire all around and I am under a buffalo that had to pee. I have always wondered if I was in the right place at the wrong time or vice versa. Man O Man talk about no respect.
There is more to this story. I will not go into it now , hard for even me to believe and I was the one pissed on and yes people saw it.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

My Wallet ..

Early this morning I was reading my pal Limey's blog. He wants to start a pool on the World Cup Football. Sounds good to me, I like soccer or Football, so it will be a nice thing to do. Limey said 5 Euro per team bet and the winner gets all. I am thinking Euro is more that the Dollar, no problem it is his pool so it is his rules.
I start to look through my wallet to see how many Euro I have and had quite a surprise . I have over 100Euro left over from a trip I took in Feb. I also have 200 Canadian and 460 Ukraine Grivnya. Looking deeper I found Cuban Peso both real and tourist .
My drivers lic and they expire soon as well as a few photos. This reminded me why I carry two wallets. Some men carry a wallet and a checkbook. I don't write checks I use a card or online banking. I do carry cash and some people say it is unwise to do that however I like cash so I carry it to buy food and stuff. My Wal-mart card and a few other cherished items. It was kind of 'like you see on TV' Whats in you wallet.
I will open the other wallet later. I need to go Christmas shopping and get a few things for the kids. There is a big sale going on and Gino wants a new computer game, as a matter of fact Gino is getting a new computer. Not that he ask for one . He has ask for only one thing. A basketball and I have bought him that. I just want him to have a new one. They are having very good sales on them now. Kind of makes you wonder what the new ones are going to do. I want a flat Panel Display Moniter. Please Santa Please!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Thoughts On Blogs & Things..

Today my Pal Limey wrote some very interesting things on his blog the whinny limey. What was just as interesting were some of the comments made about his post. I am a pretty laid back and easy going man and try not to let things that people say and think get to me. I have always thought that a persons thoughts and beliefs were just that. What they thought and it was theirs. They could share and we could choose to listen , understand , agree or not. I still to this day believe that and I most likely always will ..
I am a retired US Army Officer. Nothing special about that, I was drafted and stayed around because it was the only job that paid me for doing what I wanted to do. The army educated me, sent me to far away places with strange sounding names ,took me from a enlisted man to the officer ranks and taught me how to be a man. They taught me how to exit a aircraft while in flight , survive in a hostile environment and even how to fly the aircraft.
I have been wounded . I have been shot, stabbed, beat up and pissed on by a water buffalo. I have a few regrets not many just a few. I lost one too many friends in combat and may have shot at one too many who knows. I get upset when my people get shot at and killed by gutless men and women who have no honor. I should not say gutless I will say clueless. Each of us have our cause or wants , needs and desires. I just can't for the life of me want someone who has done nothing to me, on what may as well be a planet apart dead. There is no need for it. I have desire to protect my country and my family our way of life and our well being. If this means picking up what is thought to be bad people up and having a talk, so be it. If this means that the people picked up are in fact real bad people, then if they have to be talked to and information collected then that is the price that has to be paid. Oh , I will make this very clear. I could care less what Race or Country they come from. If a person or persons from any race, creed or color tries to blow my family, my county or me up, is fair game to get what comes their way. If is interrgation, a ass whipping or torture then that is the price they pay for fame and fortune. The fact that they are taken out of the US to do it is fine with me. Is it right ? No!! Is it necessary to leave the US ? No !! Is it humane ? No !! Do the people that engage in this kind of activity deserve any laws or protection? I say Hell No !!!!
These are my thoughts and I can say not mine alone..
One more thought and I will leave for the night. Eastern Europe has two countries where US Troops are and have for some time been stationed. I have my thoughts on this as well. I have to be honest I have first hand knowledge why they are there..

Saturday, December 03, 2005

One Might Think !!

That the way I talk about Baby Girl and Gino that I have no other children. It is true that I have a new family and love them dearly. I have raised three other children. My daughter Julie is married and the mother of my two Grand Daughters Jessica and Lindsey. Her and her husband Michael live outside Atlanta GA.
My son Scott and his Lady Indica live in Greensboro NC. He runs the IT dept for UNCG and they both love their daddy. Scott was my Best Man when Maryna and I got married. We are pals and he does all those special things that sons do for daddies.
This one is hard my friends. We lost our middle son Alex in 2003. He was taken way too early . Some family's have a problem child and we were right in there with them. He had problems however he was ours and we loved and miss him very much. I wonder at times if I could have done things different. It is a subject that will drive you crazy if you let it. It is those damn second thoughts that keep you awake and yes at times wake you up in the middle of the night. I was looking through photos today and came across some from 1985. It was Christmas and Alex was alive and happy. My son was alive...Oh what a night !!!